Frequently Asked Questions
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Do you place lashes on top or bottom of my Lashes?
Bond & Apply our DIY lash extensions below your natural lashes.
How much bond do I apply to my natural lash?
Apply a light coat to natural lash and then apply light coat to base of DIY Lash Extension.
How do I re-use many DIY lash extensions?
You can re-use your DIY Lash Extensions up to 5-6 times if removed gently and cleaned with lash shampoo.
Steps how to
- Remove DIY Lash Extensions
- Gentle wash DIY Lash Extension with Lash Shampoo
- Air Dry DIY Lash extensions
- Once Dry Re-apply for another fabulous 5-10 days
Can I stack my DIY lash extension for fuller look?
Yes you can!!
Apply one set to bottom & then apply lighter set to top of your natural lashes for a fuller look.
Can I shower the same day I applied the DIY lash extensions?
Please, WAIT 24 HOURS to wash eyes to let DIY lash extension completely set up for longer lasting look.